Ecommerce Solution Implementation

Project Details
An innovative company running a number of businesses including a chain of cafés, retail and wholesale shops. Ultimate client experience is the cornerstone of the Customer’s philosophy and to keep pace with increasingly mobile shoppers they decided to put their business on the omni-channel rails.
The feature-rich core modules allowed to implement most of the required functionality such as product catalogue, user registration, shopping basket and checkout. The e-shop even gives a gentle nudge to shoppers to buy more in the form of recommendations on the product page.
Several unique features – such as a network map and one-page order form – were specifically developed to provide a rounded and smooth user experience. Online shoppers can use this convenient tool to look for a specific option or service such as a café, WiFi, currency exchange available at any of the Customer’s locations. The one-page order form eliminates the frustrations of the checkout process thanks to the opportunity to review the order, choose the payment and delivery options – all at once. This tool has notably boosted the conversion on the website.
Operating a distributed network requires a complex IT infrastructure and the e-commerce platform is one of them. MS SQL Server was used to ensure the reliable and continuous data exchange among reporting and analytics modules, documentation workflow and inventory management systems. The required integration via WebPay API is responsible for secure and fast payments.
The project stages from the Customer’s business analysis and design through to development and deployment of the website lasted for 1.5 years and now the project continues in the support mode and also new features are continuously integrated in the operating platform. The Customer is now able to grow their sales and reach shoppers through a modern and convenient e-commerce website which is fully integrated with the company infrastructure.